Maarten’s Words – More than just the Aromi Garden…

[st_row id_wrapper=”elm_5940548726165″ ][st_column span=”span12″ id_wrapper=”elm_5940548721a0d” ][st_text id_wrapper=”elm_594054871cbe6″ ]A Defining Moment for Mobile Botanical Gardens

It was a beautifully sunny spring afternoon last Saturday when a large crowd gathered to celebrate the opening of our newly created Aromi Native Azalea Garden. Remarks by Gina Gregory, Aromi family members, and special guests were warm and welcoming. It seemed a great day and a fine event; then, Maarten van der Giessen took the microphone, and the world shifted.

Maarten is an accomplished horticulturalist and nurseryman, well-known regionally in the trade. He is a perennial leader of Mobile Botanical Gardens — past president (2006-07); currently, Chair of the Horticultural Committee and Executive Committee member.

A few minutes into his talk, Maarten had the crowd sighing in awareness that we were hearing powerful words and elevated concepts, eloquently spoken. He covered the history of Dr. Aromi — his extraordinary life and work. He described our Aromi Garden — its concept, its funding, its construction.

Then, Maarten brilliantly, poetically made the case for the importance of a botanical garden to any major city. He made the case for the importance of our Mobile Botanical Gardens to our City of Mobile as a refugium of both culture and horticulture — a refugium that is singular and invaluable to a city and its citizens — a place and a process of preservation for the generations.

Please read Maarten’s full remarks attached. Please let them inform you and inspire you in the coming weeks as you respond to our Capital Funding Campaign. A case-statement for our campaign will reach you next week.

As always, Come Here to Grow,