Pollinator Plant Sale

Come out and find some wonderful additions for your garden that will attract beautiful butterflies and help grow the pollinator population! We will be holding our Pollinator Plant Sale on Saturday, September 24th from 9am – noon.

This will be an old fashioned sale in the parking lot with wagons full of plants and Nita sitting under the tent with a cash box! Our MarketPlace is still under construction, and we can’t hold the sale up top (don’t think the wedding folks would appreciate that) – so we are setting up in our lower parking lot area. Watch for us as soon as you turn on Pat Ryan Drive. Great plants AND the Butterfly Girls (Fairn and Suzanne) will be with us, ready to share lots of great information about our Gulf Coast butterflies!

photo credit: Brad Boland

Here’s a quick list of some of the plants we will have Saturday:

Asclepias curassavica (blood flower)
Asclepias curassavica ‘Silky Gold’
Broccoli Arcadia
Broccoli Blue Wind
Broccoli DeCicco
Broccoli Santee
Broccoli Spigariello
Butterfly Milkweed in quart pots
Cardinal Spears 5 gallons – big plants with nice blooms
Centrathemum intermedim
Cuphea ignea
Cuphea leave ‘Mary’s Bat Flower’
Firecracker plant gallons
Firetower (Clerodendrum paniculatum) gallons blooming and 5 gallon blooming
Fleshy milkweed in quarts
Gloxinia evita
Gloxinia sylvatica
Hellianthus angustifollus ‘Mellow Yellow’
Herb – Basil
Herb – Lemon Balm
Herb – Oregano
Herb -Thyme
Justicia leonardi
Malvaviscus arboreus
Mexican heather gallons
Mexican salvia
Odontonema strictum
Paw paws (seedlings)
Plumbago auriculata ‘Imperial Blue’
Ruella brittoniana ‘Katie’
Ruellia elegans
Russelia equisetiformis gallons
Russelia sarmentosa gallons
Salvia coccineum ‘Forest Fire’
Salvia elegans
Salvia leucantha (white Mexican salvia)
Salvia mexicana ‘Lime Light’
Salvia purpurea
Salvia uliginosa
Salvia X Indigo Spires
Turks turban hibiscus
Turnera ulmifolia
Wavy leaf milkweed in quarts